Wednesday, March 19, 2008

a fruit picker who arrived here after the harvest

My hair is growing! I was actually able to use a straightener! I am thrilled!

However, I am not thrilled about the weather. How in the world does a forecast of mid-50's turn into 35 degrees? Where did spring go!

I am also excited to see Sarah tomorrow for dinner!

I have a new mission. I know I have a new mission every week (notice the mystery italics again!), but I'm ready to commit again!

Five years ago Monday (03.17.03), I started WW. I weighed 221.

When I got married on 07.19.03, I weighed 200. Even.

So for my 5th anniversary, I am going to be back at 200. Amen.

That means I have 4 months to lose 19.8 pounds. I am seriously thinking about bringing my wedding dress back from my Mom's this weekend and seeing how far it is from fitting.

My plan is simple: I am sticking to my "only 5 pronounceable ingredients" guns. I will record everything I eat in Sparkpeople. I will continue to photograph and post everything I eat. I am also going to exercise 5 days out of 7.

That's it. (And italics disappear again!) Sounds simple enough, eh?


Sarah said...

Can't wait to see you tomorrow!!

Hanlie said...

You can do it! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I think you should break out the tape measure and make some non-weight related goals. For awhile there, you were an exercising machine... I bet you'll find that you'll fit into that dress LONG before those 19lbs are gone. Just a thought.


lainb said...

your mystery italics are cracking me up (thank you for the much needed laughter). :)