Tuesday, March 11, 2008

whenever it's real

I am not hiding! I am just busy!

This is the first week that I am doing work - I've been training for what seems like forever. Since it is a brand new contract at the hospital, we've got a lot to do other than just work - setting up the work stations, figuring out the computer system, making nice with social workers, etc. That is making for long days. And when I get home and go to the gym, it doesn't leave a lot of time for blogging. But things will settle down I hope!

I have been making the best food decisions possible. Our bosses have been taking us out for lunch. I had a veggie burrito yesterday and a small slice of veggie lasagna for lunch today. I really couldn't have made much better choices. Really. I did have 2 mini Twixs today, but I avoided pastries for breakfast!!

I am still keeping up with y'all


Felicia said...

Sounds like youare doing great even though you are super busy!!

Hang in there and I hope things slow down a touch for you soon!


*Christie* said...

I think you're doing a great job! And we'd rather you make time for working out than blogging! LOL
I make time for blogging and not working out.... oops :(
I'm working on that though.

Speaking of which have you joined my new blog yet?!? Please do :)

