Thursday, January 31, 2008

ain't that what you want them to know

My pedicure is beautiful. I have a sore left-foot-ring-toe. I don't remember any pain, but she obviously hurt my toe. Oh well. I needed a gym day off anyway. And I planned on doing yoga/pilates, so I should be fine.

(And I've got a great "Scale-Free February" graphic showing my great toes, but I can't get it to load! I'm not giving up, just posting anyway. You'll see it soon!)

I am incredibly proud of myself. We went out to dinner after church last night. We went to Ramsey's - sort of a local Cracker Barrel type joint. Others at the table had big breakfasts, a fried buffalo chicken sandwich, chicken-fried steak. And what did I have? A chicken sandwich. A small grilled chicken breast on whole-wheat toast with tomatoes, lettuce, sprouts, and avocado. And how was it? AWESOME! It was exactly what I wanted! I felt full and satisfied and proud that I stuck to plan. I didn't feel slighted or angry or anything. It was great.

I wanted to publically announce that I have the best husband ever. He also thinks I need an iPhone. Yeah. So within the next few days, I'll have a new toy. (The phone is in his name, so he'll have to be with me to get the number switched.) But the best part is the conversation that occurred in the car last night:

Nate: Yeah, go ahead. Get the iPhone. It's fine.
Me: Sweet. You'll get some really good sex when I bring it home.
Nate: Oh, is that what it takes? Wait. That's not what I meant!
Me: So it's not always really good?
Nate: That's not what I meant!

And that conversation made it impossible for him to renig.


EVA said...

you sound so good. i've felt like that so many times at the gym. way to trudge through it.

Hanlie said...

Ha! Us women can talk rings around or men! But somehow mine will have a comeback that will have me screaming with laughter... maybe not the same day, but in the near future.

Enjoy your new iPhone! I'm so technologically unadventurous and disadvantaged that I don't even know what it is. And I'm okay with that...

That sandwich sounds delicious. You can bribe me with avocado any day!

Felicia said...

Cool deal on the phone!! I am getting ready to get a new one too. I want the new Blackberry Pearl.


Have a SUPER day!

Anonymous said...

Ooo an iphone. They are quite nice, enjoy it!

Linds said...

Hahahah fantastic conversation! YAY iPhone! Lucky girl!!!

Anonymous said...

That's what i call dedication...well done! It's really hard when you're around lots of people eating the unhealthy delicious stuff!!! What a fantastic achievement though to stick to the healthy option. Well done you.

Anonymous said...

Good job at the restaurant, and congrats on the phone. New phones are really cool "toys."

Holly said...

Good job eating out! That sandwich actually sounds quite delicious. Your conversation with your hubby had me laughing out loud! Yes honey, dig it a little deeper...

*ccc* said...

Yay for grilled chicken sammiches and iphones!

Take One Stripper Pole said...

Your husband sounds absolutely wonderful! Can't wait to hear of your adventures with your new toy!

Cherry Dolphin said...

I want an iPhone!!! :) Lucky!

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm. Wonder if that will work on MY husband? :)

Cute story!

Suz said...

Way to go for sticking to your plan while your friends were eating the other stuff. I find that very difficult to do.

Congrats on the iPhone too! My husband has one and I enjoy playing with it whenever he lets me :)


Crazy Nate... I call shotgun on playing with your iPhone once you get it!

Sarah P said...

I LOVE the new graphic for february! Too cute!
Your conversation that took place about the iphone is just too funny! Your calendar/sticker idea is a GREAT thing for motivation!

*Christie* said...

HAHAHA!! That conversation between you too makes me laugh because it sounds so familiar.

Isn't it awesome when you eat what you WANT and it feel ssatisfying.. AND it was healthy?! That is so cool babe!