Tuesday, July 29, 2008

to a deluxe apartment in the sky


So sorry. I am moving again. Although I LOVE (and I do mean L.O.V.E) the way my Mac blog looks, it has come to my attention that it is not exactly the most reliable thing. And my counter has disappeared. And you can’t see other pages. And comments are still funky.

I have struggled over what to do: stay here, go back to blogger, go to wordpress?

Thus I have decided to purchase my domain so that wherever I go, there I am.

Please visit me at my new home: questionsfordessert.com

Seriously? What else would it be?

And leave me a comment there PLEASE to let me know that you followed the breadcrumbs to my new home.

I am in the process of importing all my old entries - at all 3 blogger blogs and the Mac blog. And trying to make it pretty. So it might take me a while to get it exactly right, but this blogging thing is important enough to me to try.

So follow me! Leave a comment! Stay a while! (BTW - my favorite thing about wordpress is in the upper right hand corner: Click on Blog Info and then Random Post. So much fun!!)

Thanks for taking the hike with me!


Anonymous said...

I followed the breadcrumbs! I'm both disappointed and relieved to see that it didn't lead to a house made of candy though. :-p

Amy said...

hmmm... it wouldn't work for me?

cinemarie said...

Hi Krissie,
I'm a first time visitor - sorry to hear you have had so much trouble with your blogger programs!!
Thanks for your comments on my blog! and congrats on joining the 'biggest loser' challenge!!
I'll come and visit again! :)